The previous version of the PBS data API “v2-beta” will still be available for use but will contain none of the below improvements.

PBS public data API

There is now a public version of the API, that is open for access without registration via the HPP. Guidance on this can be found in our article on Accessing PBS public and embargo data via the API.

The differences are outlined below:

  • Only the current schedule and those published in the past 12 months are available. Future schedules are not available within the PBS public data API.
  • The API is rate-limited to one request per 20 seconds.



The developer portal documentation can now be accessed without myGovID and RAM authentication via

The developer portal documentation has been updated to reflect the v3 changes.

Updated versions of the following documentation is available in our article on Accessing PBS public and embargo data via the API:

  • PBS DDS - Data Dictionary 
  • API Data Model
  • PBS DDS – PBS Text File generation process


API pagination

The API can now support pagination so that large requests can be downloaded in pages/chunks. This requires additional “page” and “limit” parameters to be included in API requests, as detailed in the developer portal


Bugfixes and minor enhancements


  • The item-increases endpoint has been removed from the API. This data is administrative data, used internally in government processes and is not required for any prescribing or dispensing use-case.





  • The following field has been added to the restrictions endpoint:
    • Variation_rule_applied – restrictions that include a variation rule



  • The following fields have been added to the prescribing-text endpoint:
    • Apply_to_increase_mq_flag – prescribing text that include the ability for a prescriber to apply to increase the default maximum quantity of a medicine
    • Apply_to_increase_nr_flag - prescribing text that include the ability for a prescriber to apply to increase the default number of repeats of a medicine



  • Several bug fixes and changes to the formatting of the summary-of-changes endpoint:
    • Fix syntax in the sql_statement field
    • Addition of a previous_detail, and change_detail field – see data dictionary for details

Keywords: User Support

Last Updated: 13 February, 2024