Upcoming Webinars
On this page:
- General
- Medicinal products and vaccines
- Medical services and health technologies
- Medicinal devices and human tissue products
Medicinal products and vaccines
Medical services and health technologies
Medical devices and human tissue products
Previous Industry Engagement
Monday 4 March
This webinar provided a demonstration on general functionality in the HPP.
Monday 11 December
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 27 November
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 13 November
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 30 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 23 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 16 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 9 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Tuesday 3 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 25 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application related to medicinal products and vaccines in the HPP.
Tuesday 26 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 18 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Tuesday 12 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Thursday 7 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Monday 4 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Prescribed List application in the HPP.
Friday 1 September
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 28 August
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Tuesday 18 July
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to view MSAC evaluation documents and submit a response in the HPP.
Tuesday 11 July
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Tuesday 20 June
This webinar provided a demonstration on the updates made to the HPP in Release 14.
Monday 19 June
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 5 June
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Thursday 1 June
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Request for AEMP in the HPP.
Monday 30 May
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application related to medicinal products and vaccines in the HPP.
Monday 22 May
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to view and lodge a response to commentary in the HPP.
Tuesday 18 May
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Request for AEMP in the HPP.
Wednesday 17 May 2023
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to view and lodge a response to commentary in the HPP.
Friday 12 May 2023
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Request for AEMP in the HPP.
Monday 8 May 2023
This webinar provided a demonstration on the updates made to the HPP in Release 13.
Monday 27 February
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 13 February
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 30 January
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application related to medicinal products and vaccines in the HPP.
Friday 20 January
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 19 December
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Pre-submission meeting request in the HPP.
Monday 5 December
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New Brand, Delete Brand or List Management Service Request in the HPP.
Tuesday 29 November
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an early Intent to apply and resubmit a PBAC submission in the HPP.
Monday 14 November
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Notice of Intent or Pricing Offer Package in the HPP.
Monday 7 November
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New Brand, Delete Brand or List Management Service Request in the HPP.
Monday 31 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on lodging an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 24 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on lodging an MSAC application in the HPP.
Monday 17 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on lodging a PBAC submission in the HPP. This also included linking an Intent to apply to a PBAC submission and resubmitting a previously lodged submission.
Monday 10 October
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New Brand, Delete Brand or List Management Service Request in the HPP.
Tuesday 4 October 2022
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Notice of Intent or Pricing Offer Package in the HPP.
Monday 26 September 2022
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to Apply in the HPP.
Monday 12 September 2022
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New Brand, Delete Brand or List Management Service Request in the HPP.
Monday 29 August 2022
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Pre-submission meeting request in the HPP.
Thursday 25 August 2022
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 1 August 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an early Intent to apply and resubmit a PBAC submission in the HPP.
Monday 18 July 2022
8 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Notice of intent or Pricing Offer Package in the HPP.
Monday 4 July 2022
12 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application for MBS service or health technology in the HPP.
Monday 20 June 2022
18 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a PBAC submission in the HPP. This also included linking an Intent to apply to a PBAC submission and resubmitting a previously lodged submission.
Tuesday 14 June 2022
20 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application for MBS service or health technology in the HPP.
Monday 6 June 2022
5 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Tuesday 31 May 2022
5 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply in the HPP. Authorised representatives and Correspondence from the Department were also discussed as well as information regarding invoices for all submissions lodged in the HPP.
Friday 27 May 2022
20 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application for MBS service or health technology in the HPP.
Thursday 19 May 2022
25 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an application for MBS service or health technology in the HPP.
Monday 9 May 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 2 May 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Pre-submission meeting request in the HPP.
Monday 11 April 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 4 April 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply and PBAC re-submission in the HPP. Authorised representatives and Correspondence from the Department were also discussed as well as information regarding invoices for all submissions lodged in the HPP.
Monday 21 March 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a Notice of intent and Pricing Offer Package in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to link a PBAC Submission to a Notice of intent and how to link a Notice of intent to a Pricing Offer Package in the HPP.
Monday 7 March 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 28 February 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to use the HPP Portal, navigating the HPP, and drafting and lodging an MSAC application for MBS services or health technology.
Monday 21 February 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a PBAC submission in the HPP. This also included linking an Intent to apply to a PBAC submission and resubmitting a previously lodged submission.
Monday 14 February 2022
15 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to use the HPP Portal, navigating the HPP, and drafting and lodging an MSAC application for MBS services or health technology.
Monday 7 February 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Thursday 3 February 2022
21 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to use the HPP Portal, navigating the HPP, and drafting and lodging an MSAC application for MBS services or health technology.
Monday 31 January 2022
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply and PBAC re-submission in the HPP. Authorised representatives and Correspondence from the Department were also discussed as well as information regarding invoices for all submissions lodged in the HPP.
Tuesday 11 January 2022
15 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to use the HPP Portal, navigating the HPP, and drafting and lodging an MSAC application for MBS services or health technology.
Monday 13 December 2021
12 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply and PBAC re-submission in the HPP. Authorised representatives and Correspondence from the Department were also discussed as well as information regarding invoices for all submissions lodged in the HPP.
Monday 8 November 2021
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 25 October 2021
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a PBAC submission in the HPP. This also included linking an Intent to apply to a PBAC submission and resubmitting a previously lodged submission.
Monday 11 October 2021
21 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Tuesday 27 September 2021
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply submission in the HPP. It also included a demonstration and information regarding Pre submission meeting request, Intent to apply, PBAC submission, New brand, List management service request and Delete brand. Authorised representative and Correspondence from the Department was also discussed as well as information regarding invoices for all submission lodged in the HPP.
Tuesday 10 August 2021
21 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request (including a Brand premium request, Ministerial discretion for a Statutory price reduction or Higher price request) submissions in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 9 August 2021
4 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an early Intent to apply submission, resubmitting a previously lodged PBAC submission, as well as how to view and pay invoices in the HPP.
Key Points from the webinar
Advice for your Intent to apply
Submission name: drug name (Trade Name)
Submission purpose (for a Resubmission): Resubmission to request a [Section 85/Section 100] [Program] [Authority level] listing for the treatment of [indication/population].
Example: Resubmission to request a Section 100 (Highly Specialised Drugs Program) Authority Required listing for the treatment of severe hay fever in adults.
Please refer to the latest PBAC meeting agenda on the PBS website for further guidance.
Please remember, when it comes time to lodge your Early resubmission (after you have lodged your Early Intent to apply submission):
Step 1. Go to the All Submissions page and set the view to ‘Lodged submissions’
Step 2. Locate the main PBAC submission that was previously lodged for the July 2021 PBAC meeting, and select RESUBMIT from the drop down menu against it.
A duplicate of the original submission will be created in the ‘draft submissions’ view (it will have [Resubmission] at the beginning of the submission name).
Step 3. Use this submission to link your Early Intent to apply and lodge your Early Resubmission.
Monday 12 July 2021
8 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP, as well as directions regarding invoicing in the HPP.
Monday 28 June 2021
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a PBAC submission the HPP, including resubmitting a previously lodged resubmission.
Monday 7 June 2021
15 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP. It also included a demonstration on how to resubmit a New brand and List management service request submission in the HPP.
Tuesday 1 June 2021
35 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below:
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply submission and how to view and pay invoices in the HPP.
Monday 10 May 2021
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP.
Monday 19 April 2021
7 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Early Intent to apply submission and an Early Resubmission in the HPP.
Monday 12 April 2021
35 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP.
Wednesday 10 March 2021
25 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP.
Monday 1 March 2021
11 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a PBAC submission in the HPP.
Monday 22 February 2021
57 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge a New brand, Delete brand and List management service request submission in the HPP.
Monday 1 February 2021
65 members of industry joined this webinar, and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to lodge an Intent to apply for a PBAC submission, in line with the Stage 2 PBS Process Improvements.
Monday 7 December 2020
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to manage and lodge a Minor submission.
Thursday 12 November 2020
30 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP, how to manage and lodge a New brand and List management service request submission and how to view and pay invoices via the HPP.
Tuesday 10 November 2020
10 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to manage and lodge an Intent to Apply for a Minor submission.
Monday 26 October 2020
20 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP using a myGovID and how to manage and lodge a Major submission to the March 2021 PBAC meeting.
Wednesday 30 September 2020
15 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP using a myGovID and how to manage and lodge an Intent to apply for a Major submission to the March 2021 PBAC meeting.
Friday 14 August 2020
15 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP using a myGovID and how to manage and lodge a Minor submission to the November 2020 PBAC meeting.
Monday 20 July 2020
25 members of industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP using a myGovID and how to manage and lodge an Intent to Apply for a Minor Submission to the PBAC.
Thursday 25 June 2020
21 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP using a myGovID and how to manage and lodge a Major Submission to the PBAC, through the HPP.
Thursday 4 June 2020
15 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration on how to access the HPP using a myGovID and how to manage and lodge an Intent to Apply for Major Submissions through the HPP.
Tuesday 21 April 2020
15 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to manage and lodge a Minor Submission to the PBAC.
Monday 23 March 2020
5 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to draft and lodge an Intent to Apply for Minor Submissions in the HPP for consideration by the PBAC.
Thursday 5 March 2020
15 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to access the HPP and the process of submitting a Major Submission for consideration by the PBAC.
Wednesday 5 February 2020
10 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to access the HPP and the process of submitting an Intent to Apply.
Wednesday 20 November 2019
12 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to submit an Intent to Apply and how to link an Intent to Apply to a Minor Submission.
Monday 4 November 2019
14 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at user registration, organisation registration including user types and PBAC submission management and lodgment.
Tuesday 29 October 2019
32 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
HPP Register and PBAC Apply functionality is complete and ready to support submissions to the PBAC. Terms and conditions have been finalized. This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at financial and economic details, cost recovery, attachments and declaration.
Tuesday 22 October 2019
28 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
The system is now ready to support “live” submissions to the PBAC. Organisations who are intending to make a submission via the HPP have been send an invitation. This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at submission type, submission details, submission contact details and product details.
Friday 11 October 2019
20 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
The HPP Terms and Conditions have been updated and can be reviewed on the PBS website under HPP Terms and Conditions. Industry is also notified of the replacement of AUSkey in 2020. This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to manage user and organisation profiles.
Thursday 3 October 2019
15 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
The Public Beta for industry closed Monday 30 September 2019. Following the HPP beta release and closure, industry is being encouraged to provide feedback. The HPP is currently undergoing maintenance. This webinar provided a demonstration to industry specifically looking at how to manage user and organisation profiles.
Thursday 26 September 2019
27 members of Industry joined this webinar and a summary of the session is detailed below.
The HPP register and PBAC Apply functionality is complete and a Public Beta commenced with industry on Monday 16 September 2019.