Have you lodged an MSAC application for this service or health technology previously?
If you have previously lodged an MSAC application for this service, you will need to provide the application number and details of the previous application. This should include the application title as well as a short description summarising the application’s intent and scope.
If you have resubmitted your application through the HPP, using the ‘Resubmit’ option available on the ‘Lodged Applications’ view, the previous application details will be pre-filled for you.
Have you had a pre-application meeting with the Department?
If you have held a pre-application meeting with the Department you can indicate this here.
Please provide an application title
The title of the application should describe the proposed medical service, and include the intervention, population, and specific indications (where applicable).
Examples of the general format application titles should follow are provide below:
Investigative technology to inform eligibility for treatment
Testing for [patient attribute/disease attribute] in [patient population/disease] to help determine eligibility for [treatment option]
Investigative technology for screening/diagnosis
[test/device/service] for the detection/diagnosis of [disease/illness/injury] in [patient population]
Investigative technology for monitoring of treatment response
[test/device/service] for the monitoring of [patient population/disease status/disease progression]
[device/treatment/service] for the treatment/prevention of [disease/injury/patient attribute]
No trade names should be included in the title (i.e. the title should be brand-agnostic). If specific technology components/parameters of technology function/performance forms part of MSAC’s advice, these would be included in the eventual listing/funding description (if necessary). Examples of application titles can be found on individual application webpages on the MSAC website.
When suitability of the application for MSAC consideration has been determined, the title will be published on the MSAC website. However, the Department retains the right to alter/finesse wording, but will consult with the Applicant about this. The Department retains the right to refuse to publish information provided by the Applicant, if the Department considers the information to be inaccurate, misleading or advertorial in nature.
Please select the program through which the health technology would be funded
Applications that have been referred by the National Blood Agreement (NBA) or relate to blood or blood-related products.
National Health Reform Agreement Addendum (Highly specialised therapies)
Applications that are related to the delivery of highly specialised therapies which meet the criteria for highly specialised therapies under the 2020-2025 Addendum to the National Health Reform Agreement.
National Diabetes Services Scheme
Applications that are related to the delivery of products which are covered under the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS).
Applications that are subject to funding from sources not covered above. Where this option is selected you will need to specify the funding program.
Has the Department notified you that your application will bypass the PICO Advisory Sub‑committee (PASC)?
In some instances, the Department will notify you that your application does not need to go to PASC. This could be due to the application being a resubmission, or due to the intensity of the process required due to the nature of the item i.e. an amendment vs. a new item.
If you are bypassing PASC, you will need to select the relevant MSAC meeting for your application.
If your application will go to PASC, you will need to select the relevant PASC meeting for your application.
Please select the MSAC meeting relevant to this application
If the Department has determined that your application will bypass the PASC, it will still need to be submitted to the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) for consideration.
MSAC meets three times per year. The link below contains a list of future meeting dates, including timeframes for lodgement for each meeting: http://www.msac.gov.au/internet/msac/publishing.nsf/Content/pasc-calendar-key-dates
Applications should be lodged prior to the cut-off in order for there to be sufficient time for consultation and to give the MSAC sufficient time for consideration. If you wish for your application to be considered at an MSAC meeting for which the meeting cut-off has lapsed, you will need to seek prior agreement from the Department and provide a rationale.
Please select the PASC meeting relevant to this application
The PICO Advisory Sub-committee (PASC) meets three times per year. The link below contains a list of future meeting dates, including timeframes for lodgement for each meeting: http://www.msac.gov.au/internet/msac/publishing.nsf/Content/pasc-calendar-key-dates
Applications should be lodged prior to the Application form cut-off date in order to give sufficient time for consultation, PICO development and PASC consideration. If you wish for your application to be considered at a PASC meeting for which the Application form cut-off date has lapsed, you will need to seek prior agreement from the Department and provide a rationale.
Have you approached the National Blood Agreement (NBA)? Please provide details
For applications that are proposed to be funded through the NBA, further information is required on any discussions held with NBA representatives.
Please provide a rationale for applying for funding through the NHRA, including details of the setting for the proposed health technology or service, and the cost per patient
For applications that are proposed to be funded under the 2020-2025 Addendum to the National Health Reform Agreement, further information is required on the setting(s) that are relevant as well as cost information related to the delivery of the proposed health technology or service, including:
- The expected cost per patient (including treatment and ancillary costs);
- Is it expected to be delivered in an inpatient setting; and
- How the cost per patient should be calculated.
What is the type of service or health technology?
A service that impacts on health outcomes directly (i.e. no other intermediate medical service needs to be provided to achieve improvement in health outcomes). Examples include novel surgical techniques, insertion of a stent or other therapeutic device(s), and most blood products.
Identifying whether a medical service is therapeutic has implications on the nature of evidence that needs to be presented to MSAC. This is expanded on in Section 2A – Assessment of therapeutic technologies, in the MSAC Guidelines.
A service that generates clinically-relevant information about the individual to whom the service is rendered. To achieve an impact in health outcomes, the investigative information would usually result in a change in management of an intermediate therapeutic service (i.e. it can only indirectly impact on health outcomes).
Identifying whether a medical service is investigative has implications on the nature of evidence that needs to be presented to MSAC. This is expanded on in Section 2B – Assessment of investigative technologies, in the MSAC Guidelines.
Services that tend to combine an investigative component (e.g. clinical history, examination, and requesting investigations) and a therapeutic component (e.g. execution of a management plan) for the patient. Taking a history and examining a patient is essential for a medical consultation, with information (that is clarified by this clinical assessment) assisting the health practitioner to determine what should happen next (in terms of investigations and patient management/treatment).
Please provide any reference documentation where your application has been referred from the NBA or other committee
Any additional documentation in support of your application (including evidence of referral from the NBA) for consideration by the MSAC can be attached here.
Need further support?
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact HPP.support@health.gov.au