On this page:
Within the Services page of the HPP, select the Applications tile. This will display all applications drafted and lodged by you organisation. To filter the page to only display lodged applications, click the 'In progress applications' or 'Closed applications' filters at the top of the page.
Users cannot amend a lodged submission/application.
Downloading summaries for lodged submissions/applications
Within the Applications page, click the drop-down arrow next to the submission/application for which you would like to download a summary.
Viewing a lodgement progress report
You can view the progress of lodgements seeking PBAC or MSAC consideration.
Within the Applications page, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the lodgement for which you would like to view a progress report.
Within the Progress page is a variety of information regarding the submission/application, including:
Lodgement Details
Contact details
Meeting details
Status history
Correspondence log
Information within the progress report is updated on an ongoing basis, you may check the details and progress as required once the application has been lodged.