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Uploading attachments

For a list of acceptable file types please see Permissible file types within the HPP.

From the document grid, click the hyperlink or the drop-down arrow and select ‘Upload/Edit’ to open the Upload/Edit screen. Click ‘Add files’. Within the Add files pop-up, click ‘Choose Files’, then select one or multiple files to upload (up to a total of 50MB per upload).

Once you have selected your files for upload, click ‘Add files’. This will upload the selected files. After a few moments, the pop-up screen will close.

If the file has the same name as an existing file then it will automatically overwrite unless you untick ‘Overwrite existing files’.

Within the Upload/Edit pop-up screen, click ‘Save and close’ to attach the files to the lodgement or correspondence.

Hint: If you have a file larger than 50MB, please refer to Uploading Large Files in the HPP.


Deleting attachments

You can delete an attachment from your lodgement or correspondence by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the attachment you wish to remove and selecting ‘Delete’. You cannot delete an attachment after the form has been lodged or the correspondence sent.

Keywords: User Support, Upload, Delete, Attachment, File, Document, Correspondence

Last Updated: 30 January, 2024