On this page:
Within the Personalise your session page, click ‘Request access to organisation’. From the Associate with an organisation form that appears, enter the ABN of the organisation you would like to associate with, then click outside the form field. This will automatically populate the Organisation Name field.
For organisations that do not have an ABN, the Organisation Administrator must invite members or assign an Agent.
Click ‘Submit request’. A confirmation message will appear confirming the request, and an email will be sent to the Organisation Administrator(s) notifying them of the request.
Please ensure you have confirmed your email address in your Personal Profile as profiles that have not confirmed their email address cannot receive invitations to join an organisation in the HPP
Once an Organisation Administrator has received the request and actioned it (please see Managing Members), you will receive notification of the invitation via email which can be accepted in the HPP. You can access your invitations by selecting your name in the top right-hand side of your screen or selecting the My invitations tile on the Services page.
From the Invitations page, click the invitation link. This will display the View details pop-up screen. Read the terms and conditions and tick the check box. From here you can either Accept or Reject the invitation.
Hint: An invitation will expire 72 hours after being sent.
No members available in the HPP
If you require access to an organisation within the HPP but the HPP Organisation administrator is not available, please send an email to HPP.Support@Health.gov.au from your business domain with your requirements.
Please ensure that you have registered yourself within the HPP before emailing (please see Accessing the HPP).