
On this page:


Viewing Correspondence

When the Department initiates correspondence, an email notification is sent to the contacts that were added to the submission/application. Correspondence requiring a response will be indicated by a flag icon.


Organisation level correspondence view


Lodgement level correspondence view


Agents can only view correspondence for a submission/application at the lodgement level, not via the Correspondence tile.


Downloading correspondence attachments

From within the correspondence pop-up (see viewing correspondence), locate the Supporting documents section at the bottom of the screen. Select ‘Request attachment(s)’. This will display a Download pop-up screen.

From the Download pop-up screen, select a document hyperlink. This will automatically download the file to your browser.


Responding to correspondence

From the Correspondence pop-up screen (see viewing correspondence), review the correspondence from the Department and complete the Response section towards the bottom of the page. Attach any supporting documentation as required (see Uploading or deleting attachments within your lodgement or correspondence). The HPP will support files of up to 15GB uploaded through correspondence. See the Uploading large files in the HPP for further details.

Click ‘Submit’. This will send the correspondence to the Department.


The HPP will not allow a response to be sent after the correspondence due date. If you wish to respond to the Department after the due date has passed, please do so by starting new correspondence.


Starting new correspondence

From the Correspondence page, click ‘New correspondence’ in the top right corner. This will display the Start new correspondence pop-up screen.

In the search bar select the lodgement the correspondence is related to and click ’Start’. This will redirect you to the Correspondence pop-up screen.

Follow the prompts to complete the relevant information, then click ‘Submit’. This will send your correspondence directly to the Department.



Keywords: User Support, Correspondence, Email, Notification, Contacts, Submission, Lodgement, Respond, Initiate, New

Topic: Using the HPP

Last Updated: 25 August, 2022